Thursday, December 26, 2013


We were watching home videos from when the girls were 2 and 4. Mike and I kept saying, "Look how little you are!" After while, I come into the shot. On the TV, I am much thinner than I am now. Hannah says, "Mommy! You were little then, too!" She sized me up then looked back at the TV. Then she says, "You look prettier now that you're all grown up."

Hannah received the "Respectful to Others" award. 

I think Hannah has her warriors mixed up. She just told me, "Halt! I am a ninja. Beware of my lasso!"

We were buying a gift for Will, the girls' cousin. I remarked that I don't understand the things that boys like.
Hannah (7): Yeah, I don't get boys. All they care about is playing with toys. Girls care about our hair.
Abby (9): Hair is important! It takes time to get it to look good!

Abby sat in the hallway while I had the year-end parent/teacher conference. (They had only positive things to say.) When I came out of the classroom, she hung her head and said, "Sorry, Mom." For what? "For whatever they might have said in there."
Way to be proactive!

Hannah: "Mom, [a classmate] was saying a joke and then said, 'Do you get it?' And I said, 'No. Your joke's not funny.' Mom, I got the joke, but I didn't tell him that. It really wasn't funny."

I've signed the girls up for soccer this summer. Abby really doesn't want to play, and is coming up with all sorts of excuses. While we were driving to be fitted for jerseys yesterday, she said, "Mom, I forgot, I can't play soccer! My knee's broken!"

I accidentally startled Hannah, who exclaimed, "Mommy! You scared my death!!"

While at a restaurant, Hannah glanced at a TV and saw horse races. "Look!" she cried. "Pony rides!"

This is when you know that your daughter still thinks you hung the moon.
Hannah: Mom, will you sign my yearbook?

I talk back to the TV all the time, so I suppose it's only natural that my children would begin talking to the radio. Matthew West's "Hello My Name Is" came on the radio, and this is what I heard.
Song: Hello, my name is regret.
Hannah: Regret? That's a weird name.
Song: I'm pretty sure we have met.
Hannah: Nope! I've never met you. I don't even know you!
Abby: God knows him.

Hannah was talking about her friend/boyfriend/fiance. "And then he said, 'Hannah, I love you!' and I was like, 'Gross! I don't love you!"

Abby is going to Sky Ranch for three days with her grade level. When I dropped her off this morning, I told her teacher, "Happy teacher appreciation week! I appreciate you so much, I'm letting you have my child for three days!" He made a sort of grumbling noise, then told me that he appreciated my gift. He didn't sound very sincere.

Scene: In the car with both girls.
Me: Hey, look at the bicyclists. Should I run them over?
Hannah: No, Mom! That's not nice, and the police would come and you'd get in trouble.
Abby: Just sneak up behind them and honk. They'll be so scared that they'll fall over on their own.


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