Sunday, January 6, 2013



Today, Hannah asked Jesus to be her Savior. :)

Me: I don't want to do my work today. I have to write 15 pages by Sunday.  
Abby: Just write four pages a day.  
Me: Okay, I'll write four pages today. After school, check to see if I did it.  
Abby: If you do, we'll give you hugs.  
Hannah: And kisses and a back massage!  
Abby: If you don't do it, we'll say, "It's okay, you tried your hardest," and only give a hug. Hannah: For now, you can have a kiss.

When Hannah's upset, sometimes she'll say, "Poo!" Tonight, she was apparently really mad, because she let loose, "Poo, poo! Pee pee! Toot toot! Diarrhea!"

Abby: I wonder, when I grow up, what will I be? Will I still be like me? Hannah: I wonder, when I grow up, will I always be the third smallest person in my class?

Hannah thinks it's not fair that Obama is still president. "He already did it. He should let Romney have a turn."

Hannah was asking a million "whys" and we decided we can't know the answer to every why. Her parting comments were, "Why, why, why? Why does Mommy's bottom stick out so far?"

Talking politics with a six-year-old: Hannah: Is Obama still the president? Me: For now he is. Tomorrow is voting day, so tomorrow we might have a new president. Hannah: I hope it's Mitt Romney. He sounds like he'd be a better president. (Pause. She screws up her face.) Obama likes to eat chili.

I saw an old friend at the store. I hadn't seen his daughter since she was tiny. Now that she's three years old, we were able to have a lovely conversation at Walgreens. Me: How old are you now? Her: Three! She begins mumbling something, and her dad tells her to speak up. Her: Okay. When I have to go poop, I go poo poo in the big potty! Me: Good for you! How about your parents? Her: Yes, they go poo poo in the big potty, too. :)

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