Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. I will see Mike between 4:45 and 5:00 and then again from 9:30 to 10:00. Isn't life romantic when you have kids, jobs and obligations?
We waited almost nine years before having children and Mike assures me that I was much nicer then. (I was). He has learned that I don't pick up my shoes and that I leave the house a huge mess until after the girls are in bed. I frustrate him by having a million things going on at once. I have learned that Mike's brain can only focus on one thing at a time. He can't listen to me if he's "thinking". Now I start important stories with, "Are you listening?" Pause. . . "Sort-of," he mumbles. Then I wait until he says okay to start the story. I have also learned that "husband memory" is very selective about what it remembers and what it forgets almost instantly (pretty much everything I say).
He read my profile which says, "I am married to my sweet husband of 14 years." He thinks it sounds like he's 14 years old. We discussed it and I would like to clarify that Mike is not 14 years old. I am also considering taking out the word "sweet".
So happy anniversary to us. I still love my husband and thank him for the million ways that he helps me with the housework and with the kids. He's a keeper.


  1. Happy Anniversary and love the pic!!

  2. 14 years already? You're old!

    I have a theory that Peter remembers everything he reads and hears unless it comes from me. I'm looking for someone who can close the communication gap. I'll talk to them, and they can tell Peter what I said. As long as it's not my voice, I'm pretty sure it will work.
